Old clothes are no longer used. How to manage it? It is expected that many people will have questions like this in their mind. Because each person usually has a lot of clothes to wear for different occasions, when not used, kept for a long time, they are old or even not old, they rarely have a chance to wear them Some wait for thin and then wear But finally not skinny. Therefore kept until the overflow cabinet I will leave it. So what should I do? We have an idea to please pet lovers to make a dog bed out of old clothes. Let little friends sleep well and also to bring the waste to benefit as well
As you know People who keep dogs outside and indoors. It depends on many restrictions, but for people who keep dogs in the house. The first thing to consider is the area for the dog. In order to set the area for him and train him to learn the rules of our house. After setting the area Another thing is important. Providing a bed for the dog itself Providing a bed for your dog in your home is essential.
In addition to helping you take care of cleanliness easily. It also makes dogs more private, calm, warm, and also feels safe when sleeping. There are many dog owners preferring their dogs to sleep in a dog bed or soft cushion than to block their kennels or crates. Because he wants the dog to be free Don’t want to limit the area. Allowing him to come out for a walk at any time Today we will teach you how to do it. Dog mattress from old clothes For the right dog to the dog lover group. To get the right bed Hygienic and allows the dog to feel safe and sleep well. The owner will sleep well and disappear as well.

1 The old long-sleeved shirt is no longer used.
2 pillows
3 polyamide
4 needles
5 embroidery floss
6 scissors
Choose to use synthetic and synthetic pillows. Because it is a pillow that is quite popular with users Made from synthetic material Easy to care for, inexpensive, and soft to choose from. When used, it will remain the same shape. More importantly, it can support the body well when sleeping. Can be cleaned by washing in the washing machine. The price is not too high but doesn’t last long.
How to do
1. Clean an old long-sleeved shirt that has not been used. Sew the garment to be in perfect working condition, and then put a 16 ” wide x 16 ” synthetic pillow in the middle of the shirt. Center the synthetic pillow. Pull the shirt taut on all sides.

2 Hold the bottom hem of the two halves together regularly. Then fasten with a clasp And sew the hem of the shirt with the fringe method, used to prevent fraying seams Or before knitting a buttonhole that is very fuzzy, instead of using the inscription By lining the fabric inside Along the seam of the hem where the needlepoint stitches will not stick together with the right side of the fabric, and wrap only one piece of fabric in a diagonal pattern The stitches are approximately 0.5 cm apart, equal to the depth of the needle inserted. Enters the fabric, goes all the way.

3 Put half a kilogram of synthetic fiber. Into both sleeves Left arm and right arm Then put synthetic fibers over the top of the shirt to fill the neckline Let our t-shirt look like an inflatable ring until it is tightly inflated.

Advantages of synthetic fibers: Some synthetic fibers have better properties than natural fibers, such as resistance to microorganisms, fungi, bacteria, not easily wrinkled, does not absorb water, resistant to chemicals, resists easily, dries quickly. Examples of widely used fibers include nylon and o Ron (polyacrylonitride)
4 Hold the collar of the shirt on both sides to always intertwine. Then fasten with a clasp Then sew the neckline with a fringe method, used to prevent fraying seams By lining the fabric inside Along the seam of the hem where the needlepoint stitches will not stick together with the right side of the fabric, and wrap only one piece of fabric in a diagonal pattern The stitches are approximately 0.5 cm apart, equal to the depth of the needle inserted. Enters the fabric, goes all the way

Choosing a dog bed
Bed or Sofa Mattress: A mattress that looks like a bed or sofa. Also known as the “cuddler type,” that means embracing a cushion with walls all around. Give your dog a warm feeling and safety Suitable for small dogs. Due to the limit space than the flat cushion. Therefore not suitable for medium or large dogs. These mattresses come in a variety of shapes, including square and circular. But using this type of mattress You should choose a suitable size for your dog. Because many dogs like to curl up when sleeping But when they relax They may stretch and stretch their legs, which is too uncomfortable if choosing the right size.
Mattress Type Cushion: Mattress Type Cushion Suitable for people who have large breed dogs Can be used easily in any occasion and situation. Due to the shape that can be easily moved This shape is wide. The dog can stretch comfortably, not uncomfortable, suitable for independent dogs. Because you can easily get up and get around Not feeling restricted Moreover, this type of flat cushion is easy to clean.